Generate links for a Knoma loan application

Your students can apply for funding via Knoma using a Knoma link. It'll look something like this:

You need two things to generate a link.

  1. Your Knoma Merchant ID.
  2. The Knoma Variant ID

You can generate a Knoma Link like so:{{merchant_id}}/{{variant_id}}

 Where can I find my Merchant ID?

Your merchant ID is in developer settings.

  1. Log into the Partner Portal
  2. Visit 'Settings' in the sidebar
  3. Visit 'Developer Settings'

Where can I find a Variant ID?

You'll find your Variant ID on the partner portal.

  1. Log into the Partner Portal
  2. Visit 'Courses' in the sidebar
  3. Click on one of the courses.
  4. Click 'Manage' on one of the variants.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the sidebar and copy the Knoma Variant ID.